Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Ascension of the Lord or Seventh Sunday of Easter

Where the Ascension was celebrated on Thursday – Seventh Sunday of Easter

Catechism Links [1]

659-672, 697, 792, 965, 2795: The Ascension

“The Ascension” by Gebhard Fugel, 1893-1894


Reading 1: Acts 1:1-11

Commentary on Acts 1:1-11

These are the introductory comments of St. Luke, as he begins the Acts of the Apostles. Like any well written story, he connects the events that have just taken place in his first volume, the Gospel of Luke, with what will follow.

Using the interval of days, Luke links the Resurrection, Christ’s glorification, and his ascension with the appearance of the Holy Spirit – the Paschal Mystery. Christ’s departure marks the end of his direct involvement with the Apostles, except for his appearance to Paul on the road to Damascus. The passage concludes with a unique description of the actual event of Jesus being taken into heaven.

CCC: Acts 1:1-2 512; Acts 1:3 659; Acts 1:6-7 672; Acts 1:7 474, 673; Acts 1:8 672, 730, 735, 857, 1287; Acts 1:9 659, 697; Acts 1:10-11 333; Acts 1:11 665
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9  

R. (6) God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord.
R. Alleluia.

Commentary on Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9

Psalm 47 is a hymn of praise celebrating God’s enthronement and kingship over the people. The imagery in the second strophe (v. 6) strongly suggests the movement of the Ark of the Covenant being processed and installed as part of this celebration. The song concludes with a proclamation of the universal claim of God – King of all the earth.

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23

Commentary on Eph 1:17-23

The selection provided is part of St. Paul’s introductory comments to the Ephesians. His focus in this passage underlines the enlightenment flowing from the Holy Spirit. The final sentences provide an understanding of the power assumed by the Lord as he ascends to the Father.

The prayer for enlightenment promotes the idea that only through an understanding of God’s great sacrifice can the hope offered by the savior be realized. The Apostle emphasizes the power and majesty of Jesus, placing his sacrifice in perspective: “…he put all things beneath his feet and gave him as head over all things.” How much love was shown to God’s creation by offering up one whose state is so exalted? St. Paul’s concluding verse also introduces his concept of the Church as the living body of Christ, a theme that he developed in earlier letters to other congregations (cf. Romans 12: 4f1 Corinthians 12:12ff).

CCC: Eph 1:16-23 2632; Eph 1:18 158; Eph 1:19-22 272, 648; Eph 1:20-22 668; Eph 1:22-23 830; Eph 1:22 669, 753, 2045

Commentary on Eph 4:1-13

St. Paul issues his plea for unity in this passage. He defines unity, through his analogy and example as more than just sharing a belief in Christ. Unity is exemplified by the gifts (and grace) given by Christ. The apostle uses a quote from an older form of Psalm 68:18-19 (the psalm itself depicts Yahweh leading Israel to salvation, St. Paul sees in this image Jesus' entry to the New Jerusalem) to describe how Jesus (metaphorically capturing the spirits of the faithful) brought gifts to each person. The reference “…he also descended” likely refers to Christ’s incarnation rather than to his descent following his crucifixion.

St. Paul continues his discourse enumerating the leadership gifts given to “building up the Body of Christ,” bringing the fledgling Church to maturity. In maturity, the apostle tells the Ephesians, they will resist those who teach falsely and become more unified in the love they share.

CCC: Eph 4-6 1454; Eph 4-5 1971; Eph 4:2 2219; Eph 4:3-5 866; Eph 4:3 814; Eph 4:4-6 172, 249, 2790; Eph 4:7 913; Eph 4:8-10 661; Eph 4:9-10 611, 2795; Eph 4:9 633, 635; Eph 4:10 668; Eph 4:11-16 794; Eph 4:11-13 669; Eph 4:11 1575; Eph 4:13 674, 695, 2045

Commentary on Eph 4:1-7, 11-13

St. Paul enjoins the Church at Ephesus to holiness and unity as part of his instructions on what it means to live the Christian life. Through one baptism (“the call you have received”) we are united in Christ and through Christ to God the Father. While humility is not listed in the Greek lists as a virtue, the evangelist raises self-effacing service of others to this status (see also 1 Corinthians 13:4Galatians 5:22, and Colossians 3:12).

He goes on speaking of the unity of different parts of the living body of Christ, the Church, saying that different gifts were given (similar lists are found at Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-31). He begins the list of gifts with those of spiritual leadership; Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These have been called to service to others.

CCC: Eph 4-6 1454; Eph 4-5 1971; Eph 4:2 2219; Eph 4:3-5 866; Eph 4:3 814; Eph 4:4-6 172, 249, 2790; Eph 4:7 913; Eph 4:11-16 794; Eph 4:11-13 669; Eph 4:11 1575; Eph 4:13 674, 695, 2045
Gospel: Mark 16:15-20

Commentary on Mk 16:15-20

The verse just prior to this passage, which is the ending of St. Mark’s Gospel, indicates that the disciples are still not sure what has happened (typical of the image we have of the disciples in St. Mark's Gospel). Jesus comes to them at table, rebuking them for their unbelief. That sets the stage for this commissioning address by the Lord. Once again the disciples, now Apostles, are sent into the world with God’s blessing. This action is important because it supports the universal mission of the Twelve. In response to the Lord's instructions the Apostles went into the world, accompanied by the Holy Spirit ("while the Lord worked with them"). They demonstrated the truth that is Christ risen.

CCC: Mk 16:15-16 977, 1223; Mk 16:15 888; Mk 16:16 161, 183, 1253, 1256, 1257; Mk 16:17-18 670, 1507; Mk 16:17 434, 1673; Mk 16:18 699; Mk 16:19 659, 659; Mk 16:20 2, 156, 670

According to St. Luke’s comments in the introduction to the Acts of the Apostles, we have now celebrated the first forty days of the Easter season in which the Lord made appearances to the disciples.  He reassured them and brought them to final understanding of the events that had transpired and the role they were to play going forward.

With this event, the Lord takes his leave of them, not to be seen again in the flesh and only by St. Paul explicitly.  From this point forward the apostles (we call them that from this time forward because the have moved from the role of pupil to that of teacher) are tasked with taking the Word and the Way to the people of the world without Jesus' presence.  Well, that’s not exactly true, is it?  They are given the gift of the Holy Spirit, the third of the Three Persons in One God to guide and sustain them.  But that is next week’s story.

For us the Feast of the Ascension has an important inference, a lesson, if you will, about our own call and role.  Since we constantly look for signs that the Lord has called us to do something definite or that he has some plan for us, this event helps us understand where we are to seek that guidance.

We know that the Lord has taken his leave of this earth until he comes again.  We see that, with his closest friends, he has told them that they are to take the Word and the Way to the whole world.  They must have been daunted by that enormous task, but they accepted what he asked of them.  With incredibly little support and not inconsiderable resistance they started doing what he asked them.  They literally took it one step at a time.  What the Lord’s Ascension said to them was that the baton had been passed.  The Lord had ended one chapter in the salvation of the world and started another.  The new model is the one where we ask for guidance and the Holy Spirit delivers it.  It is, in effect, our rite of passage.  From today we stand on our own. It is a proud day for the Lord.


In other years on this date: Optional Memorial for Our Lady of Fatima (From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

[1] Catechism links are taken from the Homiletic Directory, Published by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 29 June 2014
[2] The picture used is “The Ascension” by Gebhard Fugel, 1893-1894

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