Monday, August 13, 2018

Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr

St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe. 
Photographer and Date are UNKNOWN


Reading 1: Ezekiel 2:8—3:4

Commentary on Ez 2:8—3:4

The visions depicting the call of the Prophet Ezekiel by God continue as the prophet is offered the word of God to bring to the people. The offer to have Ezekiel "eat the scroll" is symbolic of his internalization of the word of God. He takes it into himself, and knows its meaning in his heart. (The ancient Hebrew made the “stomach” the equivalent of the heart in modern usage.)


R. (103a) How sweet to my taste is your promise!

Psalm 119 is a song of praise directed at the Law of Moses. In this longest of Psalms dedicated to the love of the Law, the psalmist provides the image of “tasting” the Law of God. We note especially the sweetness experienced by Ezekiel (Ezekiel 3:3); the word of the Lord is sweet to those who receive it and understand.


Commentary on Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

Jesus, in this selection from St. Matthew’s Gospel, summarizes what is known as “church order.”  It is called this because, in response to the question: “who will be greatest in the Kingdom of heaven,” Jesus refutes the rank and privilege of the secular world, and indicates that those whose faith is like a small child will find greatness in heaven.  He goes on to remind the disciples that angels of God watch over those with childlike faith, and that there is no greater sin than leading a child to sin.  He also tells the disciples there is no greater duty than seeking a child who is lost (to sin).

CCC: Mt 18:3-4 526; Mt 18:3 2785; Mt 18:10 329, 336 ; Mt 18:14 605, 2822

In the first reading, from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, we find the prophet deep in a vision.  He hears God call him to take his word to the people.  The imagery shows how Ezekiel was offered the word of God – to eat.  The meaning behind this action is that, in order for the prophet to lead the people of God back to God’s will, he must completely take the word in.  It must become part of him.  It is only in this way that what he tells people comes from God not from man.

Leadership is also implicit in the reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel.  Jesus tells those seeking the Kingdom of God that, in order to take a place of honor there, one must become like a small child,  meaning that, like a small child, one’s faith must be absolute.  In a child there is no questioning; when their father asks them to do something they do not question: “Is he right?”  No, they follow his direction (when they are very young).  This innocent faith is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Lord tells us that those with that kind of faith have angels watching over them, keeping them from harm.

Then he instructs the leaders of the flock, saying that they must never lead one of the innocents astray.  He tells us that to do so is the worst possible sin, and the punishment will be swift and remorseless.

Any of us who are parents find this passage very sobering.  We are charged with leading our children in the faith.  The Rite of Infant Baptism enjoins us seven times to be the first and best teachers of our children.  We are told that we teach them by what we say and do.  This task, of course, falls to those outside the home in the faith community as well.  Children and those with childlike faith look to us to see the example of a lived faith we demonstrate.  It is one of the most compelling instructions we have for doing our very best to follow the precepts set down.  Leading one of these astray through our actions, after all, will cost us a great price.

Today our prayer is this: that we may be the best teachers of the faith in what we say and do.  We pray that those children or childlike in their faith will see our example, and be led unalterably to the Father’s throne where we hope to join them with all the angels and saints.


[1] The photograph is of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe. Photographer and Date are UNKNOWN.

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