Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“The Presentation of the Virgin” by Pietro Bardellino, c. 1770’s


Reading 1: Revelation 4:1-11

Commentary on Rv 4:1-11

This reading is the entire text of Chapter 4 of St. John’s Revelation. First we see the heavenly court in worship. The twenty-four elders would represent the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles. Much of what is described here is taken from the apocalyptic literature in the Old Testament, specifically Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:22-26), Tobit (Tobit 12:15), and Isaiah (Isaiah 6:2). The special effects, flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder are representations of God’s activity. The addition of the eyes to the four living creatures represents God’s omnipresent vision and concern for mankind. The principal focus of this chapter, in addition to providing imagery of the heavenly court, is to give a sense of God’s majesty and omnipotence.

CCC: Rv 4-5 1138; Rv 4:2 1137; Rv 4:6-11 662; Rv 4:8-11 2642; Rv 4:11 295, 2855
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6

R. (1b) Holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God!

Commentary on Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6

Psalm 150 contains a litany of praise, first praising God for what he is.  In the strophes that follow, it offers praise with various media, instruments, dance, and song. The refrain, “holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God,” has its roots in the ancient Hebrew in that there was no word for “holier” or “holiest.” When that thought was to be expressed, the word was repeated the appropriate number of times. The psalm serves a doxology for the 5th book of Psalms. The sound of crashing cymbals in this case reminds us of the rumblings and peals of thunder in Revelation, God’s work and presence on earth.

Gospel:  Luke 19:11-28

Commentary on Lk 19:11-28

This selection from St. Luke’s Gospel contains two interwoven parables. The first is the parable of the talents (see also Matthew 25:14ff). The gold coins represent the gifts God has given us. The king’s return is meant to symbolize the Lord's final return in judgment. His reaction to each of the servants indicates the Lord’s expectation that the gifts he gives us are expected to be used, and used for his greater glory. We are not to hide them; in doing so we lose them.

The second is the parable of the rejected king. This latter parable could have had historical significance since, after the death of Herod the Great, his son Archelaus went to Rome to receive the same authority. He was opposed by a delegation of Jews. Although he was not given the title of king, he was given authority over Judea and Samaria. This parallel used by St. Luke would have served to stop speculation about the imminent parousia. A second possibility is that the Lord himself was predicting that his impending entry to Jerusalem was not to be a glorious kingship, but rather he would have to travel to a far distant place (heaven) to receive that crown.

St. Luke’s version of the parable of the talents serves to reinforce the idea that the faithful must be diligent in building up the Kingdom of God through the use of what God has provided. Failure to do so (presuming the imminent second coming and laying down one’s vocation) would result in severe punishment.

CCC: Lk 19:11-27 1936; Lk 19:13;15 1880

Today we look explicitly (and inwardly) at our preparation for the coming of the Kingdom of God. That is what was expected in the Gospel from St. Luke, and that is the picture St. John painted in his vision from the Book of Revelation.

What is instructive here is the placement of the parable of the talents (Luke uses coins or “minahs”; it’s less expensive that way) that focuses us on our own discernment, or what our gifts are and how we are using them. It is good timing, as we approach the Advent season, to think about what we have been given, especially in the United States of America. How fortunate we are to have been given the freedom to worship our God (we hope), and to apply the gifts we have been given to his greater glory.

It is an excellent time to evaluate what God has given us. Not just the material things we have been able to accumulate because of the industry or intelligence with which he endowed us, but the application of that industry and intelligence. Have we done what we do for the Lord’s glory or our own? Have we presented the successes we have had as attributable to him, or to ourselves?
One element of the Gospel today cannot be overlooked as we evaluate our gifts and their application. That is, have we wrapped our coin of faith in a handkerchief because we were not proud of it, or have we taken that coin and put it in play, to bring more to God than he gave us to begin with? That is a hard question, but one the parable begs us to ask ourselves.


[1] The picture used today is “The Presentation of the Virgin” by Pietro Bardellino, c. 1770’s.

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