Memorial of Saint John Bosco, priest
Biographical Information about St. John Bosco
Readings for Wednesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15
The Hebrews author continues the exhortation to remain strong in the faith and not to become discouraged because there are obstacles. He counts these trials as discipline from the Lord and then analogizes a father disciplining his child. He begs the Hebrews to be strengthened by this resistance rather than disheartened by it.
The passage today ends with encouragement to seek the peace of Christ in all things and with everyone.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a
R. The Lord’s kindness is everlasting to those who fear him.
Psalm 103 continues the analogy used in the Hebrews reading speaking to us of the loving and compassionate Father. It goes on to emphasize the omnipresence of God and His eternal nature, know us from eternity.
Gospel Mk 6:1-6
We are given St. Mark’s version of the story we heard in St. Luke on Sunday of this week. The Lord goes to his home town to speak in the Synagogue, amazes the people he grew up with. In the version today the part about their attempt on his life is omitted, but we still see the Lord’s response to their lack of faith.
The Memorial of St. John Bosco marks a special day for me. It was one year ago today that I began this work – this reflection on scripture published in the form of a web log or Blog. I looked back on that first post today. I started it on Myspace because that is where my son suggested I go. In my time there, roughly six months, it was hacked into three times and taken off line for a short time. It changed in it’s organization and composition to some degree. There were times when I was more involved in taking scripture apart and less focused on the practical messages contained in it.
Before I leave this blogday party I thought I’d pass on one important learning experience gained over this past year. When I made my commitment to open up Holy Scripture in this way I did not know where it would take me. I have grown more in love with the sacred texts and gained a better understanding of the Lord in this mostly solitary exercise than I would have believed possible. I hope those of you who have traveled some of this path with me have gained some benefit and come closer to Christ as well.
Today we have a smorgasbord of topics. We could talk about St. John Bosco and his amazing ministry to children and how he patterned himself after Christ in that way. We could talk about rekindling our faith as we are exhorted to do by the reading from Hebrews and supported by the Psalm. Or we could talk about what the Lord would say about us if he were to come into our Church today.
I can tell you I was very disturbed to see an article in Newsweek about another person who has taken the Lord’s ministry and perverted it for his own use. A Puerto Rican; Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda formed an organization called Growing in Grace which has evolved into a money making machine for him. It probably started simply enough as another evangelical group but it is clear that Miranda is a real piece of work. He has claimed over the past few years to be first the reincarnation of St. Paul, then Jesus Christ returned and most recently the Anti Christ down to displaying the 666 on his body.
Thank God for the Church our rock that keeps people like this from our Churches. Thank God for the standards of the Magesterium that keeps us faithful to the teachings of Christ. Today we should pray for those who have been lead astray, that they see their error and turn away from false idols and prophets.
Biographical Information about St. John Bosco
Readings for Wednesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15
The Hebrews author continues the exhortation to remain strong in the faith and not to become discouraged because there are obstacles. He counts these trials as discipline from the Lord and then analogizes a father disciplining his child. He begs the Hebrews to be strengthened by this resistance rather than disheartened by it.
The passage today ends with encouragement to seek the peace of Christ in all things and with everyone.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a
R. The Lord’s kindness is everlasting to those who fear him.
Psalm 103 continues the analogy used in the Hebrews reading speaking to us of the loving and compassionate Father. It goes on to emphasize the omnipresence of God and His eternal nature, know us from eternity.
Gospel Mk 6:1-6
We are given St. Mark’s version of the story we heard in St. Luke on Sunday of this week. The Lord goes to his home town to speak in the Synagogue, amazes the people he grew up with. In the version today the part about their attempt on his life is omitted, but we still see the Lord’s response to their lack of faith.
The Memorial of St. John Bosco marks a special day for me. It was one year ago today that I began this work – this reflection on scripture published in the form of a web log or Blog. I looked back on that first post today. I started it on Myspace because that is where my son suggested I go. In my time there, roughly six months, it was hacked into three times and taken off line for a short time. It changed in it’s organization and composition to some degree. There were times when I was more involved in taking scripture apart and less focused on the practical messages contained in it.
Before I leave this blogday party I thought I’d pass on one important learning experience gained over this past year. When I made my commitment to open up Holy Scripture in this way I did not know where it would take me. I have grown more in love with the sacred texts and gained a better understanding of the Lord in this mostly solitary exercise than I would have believed possible. I hope those of you who have traveled some of this path with me have gained some benefit and come closer to Christ as well.
Today we have a smorgasbord of topics. We could talk about St. John Bosco and his amazing ministry to children and how he patterned himself after Christ in that way. We could talk about rekindling our faith as we are exhorted to do by the reading from Hebrews and supported by the Psalm. Or we could talk about what the Lord would say about us if he were to come into our Church today.
I can tell you I was very disturbed to see an article in Newsweek about another person who has taken the Lord’s ministry and perverted it for his own use. A Puerto Rican; Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda formed an organization called Growing in Grace which has evolved into a money making machine for him. It probably started simply enough as another evangelical group but it is clear that Miranda is a real piece of work. He has claimed over the past few years to be first the reincarnation of St. Paul, then Jesus Christ returned and most recently the Anti Christ down to displaying the 666 on his body.
Thank God for the Church our rock that keeps people like this from our Churches. Thank God for the standards of the Magesterium that keeps us faithful to the teachings of Christ. Today we should pray for those who have been lead astray, that they see their error and turn away from false idols and prophets.