Readings for the Forth Sunday of Easter[1][2]
Readings from the Jerusalem Bible
Reading 1 Acts 2:14a, 36-41
This exhortation to repentance follows the first of six discourses in Acts (Acts 2:14-36) dealing with Jesus’ resurrection and mission as Messiah. It follows on the heels of the Pentecost event. The focus of this selection is the idea of internal conversion of heart – repentance as acceptance of the offer of Christ’s salvation to all peoples (“For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off”). The response to St. Peter’s discourse was impressive with a huge number the Jewish audience accepting the call to repentance and acceptance of Jesus as the Christ.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 23: 1-3a, 3b4, 5, 6
R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Psalm 23 is one of the most familiar in the entire Psalter. The NAB footnote does a nice job of summarizing the message contained: “God's loving care for the psalmist is portrayed under the figures of a shepherd for the flock (Psalm 23:1-4) and a host's generosity toward a guest (Psalm 23:5-6). The imagery of both sections is drawn from traditions of the exodus (Isaiah 40:11; 49:10; Jeremiah 31:10).”
Reading II 1 Peter 2:20b-25
St. Peter, in this selection speaks to a Church undergoing persecution. He encourages them not to react to this unjust treatment with violence, but to submit with humility as Christ did. To illustrate is point he quotes Isaiah (Isaiah 53:9b). Following this quote he goes on to describe Jesus’ passion with language reminiscent of the Suffering Servant section of Isaiah 53:4-12. The concluding verse, speaking of the pre-conversion community as being like sheep who had gone astray, links the passage to both St. John’s Gospel (John 10: 1-10) and Psalm 23.
Gospel John 10:1-10
The NAB footnote places the discourse on the Good Shepherd in context nicely: “The good shepherd discourse continues the theme of attack on the Pharisees that ends John 9. The figure is allegorical: the hired hands are the Pharisees who excommunicated the cured blind man. It serves as a commentary on John 9. For the shepherd motif, used of Yahweh in the Old Testament, cf Exodus 34; Genesis 48:15; 49:24; Micah 7:14; Psalm 23:1-4; Psalm 80:1.”
In the opening verses, the Lord’s analogy to the sheep not entering through the sheep gate reiterates the message explicitly stated in the Bread of Life discourse – no one comes to the Father except through the Son. He continues to explain in detail that he is the gate – and that to deny him as the Son of God leads not to the Father but to death. But, whoever comes to Him will be saved (“…might have life and have it more abundantly.”)
We being the fourth week since the joy of Easter burst upon the Church and the World. We see the effect this event strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit has had on the Apostles as St. Peter fearlessly proclaims the Risen Christ to the people of Jerusalem. We have heard the entire discourse in scripture during the weeks since the Easter event. Today we age given the conclusion and the question asked by those who have heard and understood the terrible mistake made by the Jewish leadership when they condemned and crucified the Son of God. They ask Peter: “What are we to do, my brothers?”
The answer the disciples give to that question is the same answer Jesus announces to the Pharisees before his death. He tills them in the discourse of the Good Shepherd in St. John’s Gospel that “I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” The answer St. Peter gave directed his audience to the “Gate”, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
As we reflect upon these historical events in the life of faith, we seek a meaning that will direct our footsteps. We believe that Jesus is the “way the truth, and the life.” We have come to believe, as the disciples responding to Jesus at the conclusion of the Bread of Life discourse, “…and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” Very good, right, we are on the road to salvation. Our professions of faith in the Lord flings open the “gate” to the Father.
Our challenge of course is we must push that gat open each day. Belief that Jesus is the way does not mean we cannot take a wrong turn. If following Jesus were the only path available each day, our job would be easy. If making the right choices each day was easy, we would be guaranteed an easy trip home to the Father. Unfortunately, there are other choices we can make. Unlike the Lord, we are not the ultimate expression of love for all humanity and as a result we must be reminded that each day we must open that gate and choose the right path. Each day we must rededicate ourselves to the Father through His Son. Each day our actions must express that dedication; that love.
Why after four weeks of constant celebration of our Easter joy do we still need to be reminded? It is because each day we must hear St. Peter’s words in response to our own question of “What are we to do?” Our response, repentance and conversion – each day we seek the “gate”.
Please pray for Esther.
[1] After Links to Readings Expire
[2] The picture used today is “Christ the Good Shepherd” by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1660
Readings from the Jerusalem Bible
Reading 1 Acts 2:14a, 36-41
This exhortation to repentance follows the first of six discourses in Acts (Acts 2:14-36) dealing with Jesus’ resurrection and mission as Messiah. It follows on the heels of the Pentecost event. The focus of this selection is the idea of internal conversion of heart – repentance as acceptance of the offer of Christ’s salvation to all peoples (“For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off”). The response to St. Peter’s discourse was impressive with a huge number the Jewish audience accepting the call to repentance and acceptance of Jesus as the Christ.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 23: 1-3a, 3b4, 5, 6
R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Psalm 23 is one of the most familiar in the entire Psalter. The NAB footnote does a nice job of summarizing the message contained: “God's loving care for the psalmist is portrayed under the figures of a shepherd for the flock (Psalm 23:1-4) and a host's generosity toward a guest (Psalm 23:5-6). The imagery of both sections is drawn from traditions of the exodus (Isaiah 40:11; 49:10; Jeremiah 31:10).”
Reading II 1 Peter 2:20b-25
St. Peter, in this selection speaks to a Church undergoing persecution. He encourages them not to react to this unjust treatment with violence, but to submit with humility as Christ did. To illustrate is point he quotes Isaiah (Isaiah 53:9b). Following this quote he goes on to describe Jesus’ passion with language reminiscent of the Suffering Servant section of Isaiah 53:4-12. The concluding verse, speaking of the pre-conversion community as being like sheep who had gone astray, links the passage to both St. John’s Gospel (John 10: 1-10) and Psalm 23.
Gospel John 10:1-10
The NAB footnote places the discourse on the Good Shepherd in context nicely: “The good shepherd discourse continues the theme of attack on the Pharisees that ends John 9. The figure is allegorical: the hired hands are the Pharisees who excommunicated the cured blind man. It serves as a commentary on John 9. For the shepherd motif, used of Yahweh in the Old Testament, cf Exodus 34; Genesis 48:15; 49:24; Micah 7:14; Psalm 23:1-4; Psalm 80:1.”
In the opening verses, the Lord’s analogy to the sheep not entering through the sheep gate reiterates the message explicitly stated in the Bread of Life discourse – no one comes to the Father except through the Son. He continues to explain in detail that he is the gate – and that to deny him as the Son of God leads not to the Father but to death. But, whoever comes to Him will be saved (“…might have life and have it more abundantly.”)
We being the fourth week since the joy of Easter burst upon the Church and the World. We see the effect this event strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit has had on the Apostles as St. Peter fearlessly proclaims the Risen Christ to the people of Jerusalem. We have heard the entire discourse in scripture during the weeks since the Easter event. Today we age given the conclusion and the question asked by those who have heard and understood the terrible mistake made by the Jewish leadership when they condemned and crucified the Son of God. They ask Peter: “What are we to do, my brothers?”
The answer the disciples give to that question is the same answer Jesus announces to the Pharisees before his death. He tills them in the discourse of the Good Shepherd in St. John’s Gospel that “I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” The answer St. Peter gave directed his audience to the “Gate”, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
As we reflect upon these historical events in the life of faith, we seek a meaning that will direct our footsteps. We believe that Jesus is the “way the truth, and the life.” We have come to believe, as the disciples responding to Jesus at the conclusion of the Bread of Life discourse, “…and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” Very good, right, we are on the road to salvation. Our professions of faith in the Lord flings open the “gate” to the Father.
Our challenge of course is we must push that gat open each day. Belief that Jesus is the way does not mean we cannot take a wrong turn. If following Jesus were the only path available each day, our job would be easy. If making the right choices each day was easy, we would be guaranteed an easy trip home to the Father. Unfortunately, there are other choices we can make. Unlike the Lord, we are not the ultimate expression of love for all humanity and as a result we must be reminded that each day we must open that gate and choose the right path. Each day we must rededicate ourselves to the Father through His Son. Each day our actions must express that dedication; that love.
Why after four weeks of constant celebration of our Easter joy do we still need to be reminded? It is because each day we must hear St. Peter’s words in response to our own question of “What are we to do?” Our response, repentance and conversion – each day we seek the “gate”.
Please pray for Esther.
[1] After Links to Readings Expire
[2] The picture used today is “Christ the Good Shepherd” by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1660
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