Saturday, August 06, 2016

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Catechism Links[1]
CCC 144-149: the obedience of faith
CCC 1817-1821: the virtue of hope
CCC 2729-2733: prayer as humble vigilance of heart
CCC 144-146, 165, 2572, 2676: Abraham, a model of faith

” Communion of the Apostles”
by Albrecht Altdorfer,1516-18
Reading 1: Wisdom 18:6-9
Commentary on Wis 18:6-9
This passage is part of what is known as the Fifth Diptych (a hinged two-leaved tablet used in ancient times for writing on with a stylus), a reflection on God’s salvation as he first chose the children of Israel, and then led them out of Egypt.  In this diptych the author relates Moses' tenth plague (Exodus 11:1ff), the death of Egypt’s first born. Wisdom's author speaks to the fact that the Egyptians had committed infanticide in killing the infants of Moses’ generation (v. 1-5).  Reference is made to the time before the Passover, and the sacrifices made by those who had not seen the Exodus, and following God's will.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22
R. (12b) Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.
Psalm 33 is a hymn of praise in which God as creator is celebrated.  In this selection, the just are invited to share the Lord’s salvation, and are promised his protection. Yahweh is the only salvation for Israel.
Commentary on Heb 11:1-2, 8-19
The beginning of this reading gives us a classic definition of faith: “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” We note that this definition describes what faith does rather than giving a pure theological description. “Through faith God guarantees the blessings to be hoped for from him, providing evidence in the gift of faith that what he promises will eventually come to pass.[5]” Looking at the translation above, it is instructive to consider the same verse as translated in the Jerusalem Bible: “Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen.” That eloquent statement is followed by a description, a few verses later, of Abraham’s response to faith, and the Lord’s reward, incomplete before Christ and completed by him.
CCC: Heb 11:1 146; Heb 11:2 147; Heb 11:8 145; Heb 11:17 145, 2572; Heb 11:19 2572
Shorter Form: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-12
Commentary on Heb 11:1-2, 8-12
The optional shorter form does not include the final example of Abraham’s faithful response to God’s request, that he offer Sarah’s first son Isaac as sacrifice. This additional pair of verses provides a description of how Abraham came to understand God’s power to raise the dead. This thought would link the Hebrews closely to the resurrection apologia.
CCC: Heb 11:1 146; Heb 11:2 147; Heb 11:8 145
Commentary on Luke 12:32-48
In the longer form of the Gospel, St. Luke explains the example found in the parable of the vigilant servants, which is the heart of the shorter form.  Jesus tells his disciples that the most valuable prize, the prize of faith and fidelity to God, is given to them freely, and that all of their worldly possessions amount to nothing in comparison.  He tells them that the treasure they hold most dearly will define them to the world, and that constant focus on the spiritual gifts is the prize that will win salvation.  The story makes it clear that those who fail, who focus on the things of earth and are not vigilant, will be found faithless and suffer the consequences.
CCC: Lk 12:32 764; Lk 12:35-40 2849
Shorter Form: Luke 12:35-40
Commentary on Lk 12:35-40
The selection presented from St. Luke’s Gospel is one of a series that relates specifically to the Lord’s exhortation about the end times, the eschaton. Here he reminds his disciples that they must be constantly focused on God’s work (servants of the master – the one God). We see also in this brief reading an echo of the Last Supper as the master reclines at table. However, in the broader context, the lesson relates more to faithfulness.
The idea of placing constant faithfulness first (most importantly present) is given as the moral of the Lord’s parable.  Peter questions whether the parable is meant for everyone or just for the disciples he is addressing.  The Lord then clarifies that any who would inherit the Kingdom of God must be constantly faithful to the Lord’s precepts.  He goes on to conclude that no one may know the day or the hour that they will be called to account.  Finally he tells the disciples, who have been given much in their association with the Christ, that to those which much is given, even more is expected, essentially telling them that they must be examples to everyone, even each other.
CCC: Lk 12:35-40 2849
The very powerful Gospel injunction from St. Luke’s Gospel drives the theme today.  There is actually a logical progression present in the selection we are given, rather than a single point to be made.  That progression links two key verses;
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” (Luke 12:34)
Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” (Luke 12:48)
Between these two statements, through the use of allegory and parable, the Lord drives home the fact that the most important gift ever received is the gift of the Kingdom of God.  With that gift comes God’s Law, given through a long line of prophets and patriarchs to the people of faith.  We see a glimpse of this history in the first reading from the Book of Wisdom.  Rejoicing in that blessing, the faithful will be a gift to the world and will be seen as blessed (Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be).
We have all seen the truth of this pronouncement by the Lord.  When we look around at our brothers and sisters, with whom we have daily contact, don’t we see in them what they treasure?  Can’t we easily see where their passions lie?  If they love material things, there will be trophies of those things wherever they are.  Whether it is pictures of their prized possessions on their desks, or if all they do is directed to maintaining what they have or obtaining more, the signs are there.  What they put first in their lives will be celebrated by them constantly.  For us that means that, if we truly put the Kingdom of God first in our lives, those with whom we have contact should be well aware of that as well.  Our question is, does that show?
By the very nature of our love and our passion, we will either accept that we must be constantly prepared to meet the judgment promised in the Gospel, or we will accept that we must reorient our priorities.  We don’t know when and where our life’s accomplishments will be held up in front of that great judge.  What was made clear in that passage today is that, at our resurrection, we, all of us who are faithful, will not be held to the same measure.  No, that last verse in the Gospel hits us right between the eyes.  “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much.”  If we start to get cocky or condescending saying: “I am so much better at practicing my faith than that person.  I will surely get a place of honor in the next life,” we are in for a big surprise.  The Lord does not give us an easy path, he expects us to work hard with what we have.  (I would not want to be the Pope.)
Today the logic brings us to our final place.  What we are given must be used as well as we can.  It should be apparent to all we meet that we have been given this gift.  It will be what we are asked for on the last day.  Let us pray that we pass that test.
In other years on this date:
Optional Memorial of Saint Cajetan, Priest

[1] Catechism links are taken from the Homiletic Directory, Published by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 29 June 2014
[2] The picture used today is” Communion of the Apostles” by Albrecht Altdorfer,1516-18
[5] See NAB footnote on Hebrews 11:1-40

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