Catechism Links[1]
Baptism of Jesus by John: 438
Baptism of the Holy Spirit compared to John's baptism: 720
Importance of Jesus' Baptism: 536-537, 1223
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“Baptism of Christ” by Alessandro Rosi, c. 1670 |
Outside the United States where The Epiphany is celebrated on Friday, January 6 Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time is celebrated. Because this celebration takes place on a weekday, only one reading and the Responsorial Psalm are used.
Commentary on Is 42:1-4, 6-7
This passage begins what is known as the “First Song of the Servant of the Lord.” There are three more passages considered by some to be parts of one poem (Isaiah 49:1-6; Isaiah 50:4-7; and Isaiah 52:13—53:12). While there is some scholarly debate about the original intent of these poems, the prophetic view sees in these songs a reference to the coming Messiah.
In this first song, Isaiah’s prediction brings us almost the exact words spoken by God as Jesus walks out of the Jordan following his baptism: “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.” The image of God infusing his spirit is fulfilled as the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove at Jesus’ Baptism (Matthew 16:12; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22). He goes on in v. 2-4 to describe the compassionate and loving character of the Messiah.
In v. 6-7, Isaiah focuses on the new covenant established with the people. “The expression ‘light to the nations’ (v.6) seems to find an echo in what Jesus says about his being ‘the light of the world’ (John 8:12; 9:5) and also in the Benedictus of Zechariah (Luke 1:78-79). There is an evocation of v.7 in Jesus’ reply to the messengers from John the Baptist who ask him whether he is ‘he who is to come’ (cf. Matthew 11:4-6; Luke 7:18-22); […] And so St. Justin will say commenting on vv. 6-7: ‘Everything that is said here, my friends, refers to Christ and to the peoples who have been enlightened by his presence.’ (Dialogus cum Tryphone, 122, 2)” [5]
Commentary on Acts 10:34-38
In this selection from Acts, Peter is speaking in the house of Cornelius following the vision he was given showing him that nothing God created should be considered profane. This was pondered by Peter because it challenged the precepts of Jewish dietary laws and laws forbidding contact with Gentiles at certain times. It expands the invitation to salvation saying that God is for everyone, not just the Israelites. He then launches into the Good News which he starts with a description of the Baptism of the Lord and how the Holy Spirit descended. The passage concludes with Peter saying his mission is to reveal God’s love in his healing ministry.
CCC: Acts 10:35 761; Acts 10:38 438, 453, 486, 1289
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10
R. (11b) The Lord will bless his people with peace.
Commentary on Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10
CCC: Ps 29:2 2143
Commentary on Mt 3:13-17
The story of the Baptism of Jesus from St. Matthew’s Gospel, while short, is the most complete account of the interaction between Jesus and St. John the Baptist in the Synoptic Gospels. Jesus recognizes the symbolic nature of what the Baptist is doing and tells him, above his objections, to “fulfill all righteousness.” The event unfolds with Jesus coming up from the water and the Holy Spirit descending. What God says, as reported by St. Matthew, differs slightly from the Gospels of Mark and Luke in that the address takes the form of a proclamation, as opposed to a statement to the Lord himself (“This is my beloved Son…,” as opposed to “You are my beloved Son…(Mark 1:11) or (Luke 3:22)).
CCC: Mt 3:13-17 535, 1286; Mt 3:13 1223; Mt 3:14-15 608; Mt 3:15 536, 1224; Mt 3:16-17 1224; Mt 3:16 536; Mt 3:16 & par. 701; Mt 3:17 444, 713
The Baptism of Jesus, like our own baptisms, marks a beginning and an end. For the Lord, it is the end of his preparation. He was born to a task. His self-imposed incarnation was for a purpose. He was to reveal God’s love to all creation. All that we have been talking and hearing about since the Nativity of the Lord a few short weeks ago has pointed to this moment.
The story we have heard about the Lord’s humble but miraculous birth to a virgin in Bethlehem was to fulfill the prophecy of his coming. The whole weight of the Prophets was thrown behind that starlit birth in a manager. The world’s anticipation was recognized as the Magi came bearing gifts. It was not just to the Jews that the Light came into the world, but to the whole of mankind.
In scripture, during those days immediately following the angelic proclamation that the Prince of Peace had come to us, we heard how his father, St. Joseph, listened to those heavenly messengers and fled to Egypt with Mary, the Mother of God, and their new son. The story continues with details of how Herod’s plot to stop God’s plan was foiled through the cries of the first martyrs, the Holy Innocents.
Those early years of the Lord’s life were not shared with us. He comes to the baptismal bath now as a man of thirty, prepared to take up the mantle of the Messiah. He submits to the symbolic bath of St. John the Baptist, his cousin, and emerges, at once crowned with the Holy Spirit. Now, joined with the "substance," "person," or "hypostasis”[6] that is the Holy Spirit he would later leave as a gift, the beginning is at an end and the work of the Lord is at hand.
For us too, the gift of new life in Baptism was both an end and a beginning. We were given as a gift of new life and a share in God’s creative work to our parents. If we were baptized, as most of us were, as infants, our parents stood up in front of the faith community to which they belonged and promised, as our proxies, in our place, that the faith we share would be the faith of their child.
We were brought to that bath as human children and came out of it changed, altered in essence. Like a piece of steel that is tempered in fire, in its raw form we cannot see a difference between the metal and the finished product. But when tested, there is strength in that tempered steel not found in it before it passed through the fire. When we received that baptism, the heart that beat within us was strengthened with the Holy Spirit. Just as Christ welcomed the Spirit at his baptism we were given that same gift.
Something else happens as well. There is a drowning, sin is washed away. Again, as the impurities of metal are removed during the fabricating process, the soul is washed clean. The sins no longer exist, something new rises out of that water, freed from the nature that allowed Adam and Eve to be deceived by Satan. We are freed from that fallen nature of disobedience to the Father. The old self dies in that bath, drowned in the love of God for his children.
Once transformed in the waters of Baptism, we were anointed with Holy Chrism. Upon our crowns was placed that sacred oil which set us aside, now as something holy, something of God. Changed in character, we were then offered as a gift to the Son who saved us.
Next we were presented with the Light of Christ from the New Fire of the Easter Candle, and clothed in a white garment, making us as new creations, now reborn in Christ.
For those of us baptized as infants we do not remember the event that opened the gates of heaven for us. For those of us lucky enough to have been “made new” later in life, those effects were no doubt felt as they occurred. Whether we were old or young, when we passed through that holy bath we were set upon a new course. Like Jesus, that mission was placed before us and we are called to follow his example.
Today as we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we are reminded of our own call to holiness. In Jesus’ life, this event marked a new beginning. We now embark upon our own continued journey. As we reflect upon our lives to this point, we are called once more to ask ourselves if we have done what God has called us to do. We are called, as a holy people, set aside for Christ, to take up the message given by the angels at the Lord’s birth. We are called, as the adopted sons and daughters of God, to bring that message of love and peace to all we meet. That is what the journey upon which the Lord embarks is about; that is our mission as well.
[1] The Homiletic Directory does not provide links for the Baptism of the Lord. These references are taken from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, © 1994, United States Catholic Conference, Inc. – Libreris Editrice Vaticana, pp. 756
[2] The picture is “Baptism of Christ” by Alessandro Rosi, c. 1670
[5] The Navarre Bible, “Gospels and Acts”, Scepter Publishers, Princeton , NJ , © 2002, pp. 186
[6] CCC 249-256
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