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“The Vocation of St. Aloysius Gonzaga” by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, c. 1650 |
Reading 1: 2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30
Commentary on 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7
R. (see 18b) From all their distress God rescues the just.
Commentary on Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7
Psalm 34 sings a song of salvation at the hands of the Lord. It tells of God’s love for those who serve him. The psalmist, fresh from the experience of being rescued (Psalm 34:5, 7), can teach the "poor," those who are defenseless, to trust in God alone. This psalm, in the words of one being unjustly persecuted, echoes hope for deliverance and freedom.
The psalmist sings of God’s mercy and salvation, in reference to the promise made to the people of a land flowing with milk and honey. From a more prophetic perspective we also have an image of Christ in the Eucharist, the taste of God’s mercy.
CCC: Ps 34:3 716
Gospel: Matthew 6:19-23
Commentary on Mt 6:19-23
Jesus concludes his sermon with a caution about placing importance on “treasures on earth.” In this context, St. Matthew’s Gospel also recalls the Lord’s analogy of faith being light, using it as a symbol of seeking one’s desires. Here we see that if what we seek is of darkness (material wealth), as contrasted with seeking the light (spiritual wealth), how dark will that spirit inside us be?
CCC: Mt 6:21 368, 2533, 2551, 2604, 2608, 2729, 2848
After a few days reflecting on our life of prayer, scripture now directs us back to the material world and asks the question once more; “What is important to you?” St. Paul for his part gives a litany of his sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel. Although it must be taken in context, he is using those sufferings as a demonstration of his own worthiness as a purveyor of the faith in contrast to those false teachers who have apparently sprung up in Corinth while he was out in other parts of the world. Still, given his contributions and the record of his life and death, we cannot doubt his utter devotion to the Savior. We cannot see in him any passion but for Christ Jesus.
The Lord in his on-going sermon from St. Matthew’s Gospel tells us that our principal passion in life must be for spiritual wealth not earthly things. The old adage “You can’t take it with you” springs to mind (as does a really good joke about a dying wealthy man, his doctor, his priest and his lawyer but that will have to wait). Yet perhaps humor can serve us here. Try this one.
There was once a very good and very wealthy man who died and went to heaven. When he arrived at the pearly gates, St. Peter looked in his book and saw all the good things the man had done and invited him in. As the man walked by, St. Peter noticed a look of great sorrow on his face. He said to the man “Mr. Jones, I don’t understand your depression. You had a wonderful life on earth, filled with good deeds and great wealth and today you are ushered into heaven. Why are you sad?”
The man said in reply “St. Peter, I know I should be happy and I always knew I could not take my wealth with me but I fear I will miss it. I wish I could have brought up just one souvenir of my earthly success.”
Poof! The man disappeared and poof he was back. He was holding a small shoe box that was clearly quite heavy. St. Peter could not resist and asked the man what he had chosen to bring back. With his face reddening somewhat the man opened the box lid to show St. Peter four bars of gold bullion. Whereupon St. Peter looked up in surprise and exclaimed “You brought pavement?”
[1] The picture is “The Vocation of St. Aloysius Gonzaga” by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, c. 1650.
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