Readings for Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent[1][2]
Readings from the Jerusalem Bible
Reading 1 Jeremiah 20:10-13
Jeremiah is near despair as the plots of his family and friends are fomented against him. We can clearly hear the fear in his voice (“All those who were my friends are on the watch for any misstep of mine”). Yet, in spite of his dire situation he trusts that God will support him. Indeed, he is hoping that God will not only save him but will punish those who plot against him.
This is a typical Old Testament understanding of the God of Justice who visits his wrath on the enemies of the faithful. We see also an interesting observation about the path of the faithful; “O Lord of hosts, you who test the just, who probe mind and heart” inferring that the path of faithfulness is always difficult.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7
R. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and he heard my voice.
Psalm 18 is a hymn of thanksgiving for God’s salvation. While in its full form it is in thanks for victory following a physical battle, here we see that thanks given in the form of heavenly aid in difficult situations.
Gospel John 10:31-42
Jesus is in the Temple at Jerusalem once again on a festival day (Probably the Feast of the Dedication or Festival of Lights). He has just finished his discourse on the Good Shepherd and a number of those present are pressing him to declare that he is the Messiah. Immediately preceding this reading, he answered them “The Father and I are one.” (Jn 10: 30) Now his enemies pick up stones.
Instead of leaving immediately, Jesus tells them to look at his works, the signs he has performed and judge if he is not doing the Father’s work. When they tell him it is not his works they challenge but his assertion that he is God, Jesus tells them; “Is it not written in your law, 'I said, "You are gods'?” This is a reference to the judges of Israel who,since they exercised the divine prerogative to judge (Deut 1:17), were called "gods"; cf Exodus 21:6, besides Psalm 82:6 from which the quotation comes.
Jesus continues to point at his salvific actions but the agents of the Sanhedrin do not accept this argument although many in the crowd do since we hear “they tried again to arrest him; but he escaped their power.” This would seem to imply that they feared intervention from the crowd. Jesus leaves followed by “many” and continues to teach, across the Jordan.
It feels like we are careening toward Easter and the Church is gathering herself for this most emotional event. Yes, we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection each Sunday and it is a joyous event. But Easter it self is different. It follows an intense preparation and strenuous introspection.
Today Jesus narrowly averts being stoned again. He challenges the people he finds at the temple to refute him based upon what he has done. We can feel him anticipating his great passion. He must sense that all things are coming to a head just as we are. We hear Jesus try, one more time, to get them to understand who he is and why he came. We are supported in our anticipation by Jeremiah who is feeding our anxiousness over the situation as he speaks about plots against himself as well. The more we read in scripture the more we come to understand that following God’s will is frequently the most unpopular thing in the world to do.
As we fly toward the events starting with Palm Sunday launching us into Holy Week, we must ask ourselves if we, like Jesus and like Jeremiah have followed the path God would have us follow or have we more frequently taken the easy way out – the path of least resistance. We are not going for guilt here, the disciples of Jesus all run away next week and Peter goes even further than that. Rather we must look again at the example set by our Savior. He clearly sees what is coming. It is also clear he does not want what is going to happen to take place. Yet, out of his great love for us, he follows that path.
Pray for Esther
[1] After Links to Readings Expire
[2] The picture selected for today is “Jesus Nearly Stoned” by UNKNOWN; Illustrator of Jerome Nadal's 'Evangelicae Historiae Imagines', 1593
Readings from the Jerusalem Bible
Reading 1 Jeremiah 20:10-13
Jeremiah is near despair as the plots of his family and friends are fomented against him. We can clearly hear the fear in his voice (“All those who were my friends are on the watch for any misstep of mine”). Yet, in spite of his dire situation he trusts that God will support him. Indeed, he is hoping that God will not only save him but will punish those who plot against him.
This is a typical Old Testament understanding of the God of Justice who visits his wrath on the enemies of the faithful. We see also an interesting observation about the path of the faithful; “O Lord of hosts, you who test the just, who probe mind and heart” inferring that the path of faithfulness is always difficult.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7
R. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and he heard my voice.
Psalm 18 is a hymn of thanksgiving for God’s salvation. While in its full form it is in thanks for victory following a physical battle, here we see that thanks given in the form of heavenly aid in difficult situations.
Gospel John 10:31-42
Jesus is in the Temple at Jerusalem once again on a festival day (Probably the Feast of the Dedication or Festival of Lights). He has just finished his discourse on the Good Shepherd and a number of those present are pressing him to declare that he is the Messiah. Immediately preceding this reading, he answered them “The Father and I are one.” (Jn 10: 30) Now his enemies pick up stones.
Instead of leaving immediately, Jesus tells them to look at his works, the signs he has performed and judge if he is not doing the Father’s work. When they tell him it is not his works they challenge but his assertion that he is God, Jesus tells them; “Is it not written in your law, 'I said, "You are gods'?” This is a reference to the judges of Israel who,since they exercised the divine prerogative to judge (Deut 1:17), were called "gods"; cf Exodus 21:6, besides Psalm 82:6 from which the quotation comes.
Jesus continues to point at his salvific actions but the agents of the Sanhedrin do not accept this argument although many in the crowd do since we hear “they tried again to arrest him; but he escaped their power.” This would seem to imply that they feared intervention from the crowd. Jesus leaves followed by “many” and continues to teach, across the Jordan.
It feels like we are careening toward Easter and the Church is gathering herself for this most emotional event. Yes, we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection each Sunday and it is a joyous event. But Easter it self is different. It follows an intense preparation and strenuous introspection.
Today Jesus narrowly averts being stoned again. He challenges the people he finds at the temple to refute him based upon what he has done. We can feel him anticipating his great passion. He must sense that all things are coming to a head just as we are. We hear Jesus try, one more time, to get them to understand who he is and why he came. We are supported in our anticipation by Jeremiah who is feeding our anxiousness over the situation as he speaks about plots against himself as well. The more we read in scripture the more we come to understand that following God’s will is frequently the most unpopular thing in the world to do.
As we fly toward the events starting with Palm Sunday launching us into Holy Week, we must ask ourselves if we, like Jesus and like Jeremiah have followed the path God would have us follow or have we more frequently taken the easy way out – the path of least resistance. We are not going for guilt here, the disciples of Jesus all run away next week and Peter goes even further than that. Rather we must look again at the example set by our Savior. He clearly sees what is coming. It is also clear he does not want what is going to happen to take place. Yet, out of his great love for us, he follows that path.
Pray for Esther
[1] After Links to Readings Expire
[2] The picture selected for today is “Jesus Nearly Stoned” by UNKNOWN; Illustrator of Jerome Nadal's 'Evangelicae Historiae Imagines', 1593
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